2012년 12월 6일 목요일


Acupuncture is the ancient science and art of regulating the body's physiology through the insertion of very fine needles. Stimulation of these needles at designated points along the meridians will restore the normal balance of vital energy and create specific therapeutic effects in the body. Through the balanced flow of vital energy, the body is able to heal itself and maintain its own health. Acupucnture is a safe, effective and relaxing therapy used as a dynamic approach in the prevention and treatment of disease, and the restoration of health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), many common acute and chronic health disorders lend themselves to acupuncture treatment based on clinical experience such as:
  • Ear, nose and throat disorders
  • Respiratory disorders: sinusitis, asthma, allergies and bronchitis
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, indigestion
  • Gynecological disorders: PMS, menopause, irregular menstruation, fertility support
  • Urogenital disorders: incontinence, UTI
  • Disorders of nervous system: headache, neuralgia, insomnia, paralysis, facial palsy/tics, narcolepsy
  • Disorders of bone, muscles and joints: sports injury, sprain and strain, back, neck and shoulder pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatic pain
  • Aid in stopping smoking


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