2012년 12월 13일 목요일

Tourette's syndrome and acupuncture

Tics are sudden, repetitive, nonrhythmic movements (motor tics) and utterances (phonic tics) that involve discrete muscle groups. Motor tics are movement-based tics, while phonic tics are involuntary sounds produced by moving air through the nose, mouth, or throat. Tourette's syndrome is one of several tic disorders. As I mentioned earlier (please refer to post titiled 'acupuncture and balancing brain'), I usually use questionaire from Dr. Eric R Braverman to find out the composition of neurotransmitters in the brain of patients regardless of symptoms. As far as tourette's syndrome is concerned, it is Gaba that is deficient mostly. Gaba and serotonin is working as an "off-switch" in the brain, while dopamine and acetylcholine is acting like "on-switch" initiating brain system. Gaba and serotonin belongs to Yin, while dopamine and acetylcholin considers to be Yang in perspective of Oriental medicine. Tourette's syndrome can be understood as Yang excess due to deficient Yin leading to wind. Those who shows gaba deficiency are mostly evaluated as Kidney yin deficinecy or Liver yin deficiency leading to Liver yang rising in my diagnosis based on pulse and tongue. So, I focus on balancing Kidney and Liver when it comes to Tourette's syndrome. The average frequency of treatment is twice a week and the duration is three to six months depending on body conditions of patients. The most dramatic case was a patient improved to be normal after 5 times treatment with magnets (refer to post titled 'needle free acupuncture') and he got another 4 times of treatment to prevent relapse with magnets only. I rarely use needle recently except those who are addicted to needle! :)


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