2012년 12월 12일 수요일

Vibrational Medicine from Dr. Richard Gerber

I love his point of view about medicine...

"The current practice of medicine is based on the Newtonian model of reality. This model is primarily a view point which sees the world as an intricate mechanism. Doctors conceptualize the body as a type of grand machine which is controlled by the brain and peripheral nerve system. Are human beings really glorified machine? The recognition that all matter is energy forms the foundation for understanding how human beings can be considered dynamic energetic systems. Through Einstein's famous equation, E=MC2, he proved to scienctists that energy and matter are dual expressions of the same universal substance. That universal substance is a primal energy of which we are all composed. Therefore, attempting to heal the body through the manipulation of this basic vibrational or energetic level of substance can be thought of as energy medicine. Although the Einsteinian viewpoint has slowly found acceptance and application in the minds of physicists, Einstein's profound insights have yet to be incorporated into the way doctors look at human beings and illness. By realizing that humans are being of energy, one can begin to comprehend new ways of viewing health and illness. This new Einsteinian view point will not only give future doctors a unique perspective on the causes of disease, but also more effective ways by which human beings can be healed of their suffering. I found Oriental medicine is very appealing because of its strong emphasis on energy and its balanced flow throughout the body, which must be a stumbling block for conventioneers who cannot see beyond the limitations of the paradigm of materialistic science. Their unique energy systems are powerfully affected by our emotions and level of spiritual balance as well as by nutritional and environmental factors. The unseen connection between the physical body and the subtle forces of spirit holds the key to understanding the inner relationship between matter and energy, they will come closer to understanding the relationship between humanity and God". 
*Therefore, in order to obtain a complete health, one shoud be understood in two but integrative ways: one in the physical levels, the other in the spiritual levels.*
What or Who is the key that connects physical levels with spiritual levels?

* The last two sentences are added by me. :)


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